Remember when we rode bikes to get spearmint snocones with vanilla ice cream. With bubble gum stuck in them.
Remember when you sat outside with me so that I could swim. You would say a category and I would jump into the pool, naming the item.
Remember the time you brought ducks to my show and tell.
Remember when we went to Ship Island and saw dolphins.
Remember playing on the computer with me. Reader Rabbit was the best.
Remember going outside to play with chickens, ducks, Sugar, rabbits, pigeons, goats, etc.
Remember when snakes would be on TV and you would yell because you hated snakes.
Remember your riding mower. Fast like a rabbit. Slow like a tortoise.
Remember watching movies with me.
Remember hiding Easter Eggs in the house (or outside). We had all our favorite places to hide (like the fishmouth).
I remember your swing. And watching for lightning bugs in the summer. Singing "Swing Low."
Swing Low. Sweet Chariot. Coming forth to carry me home.
D, i love this and the snakes on the TV part makes me lough! You should keep posting cuz i'll keep reading...
I forgot about the bubblegum!
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