Friday, June 26, 2009

buy one get two free.

manager's log. friday june 26.

3:00 pm: a regular customer (mean and scary chef lady) asks me if i'll "freak out" if she eats her sandwich in the lobby. i laugh then say that she really can't since we don't allow outside food & drinks inside. she is clearly pissed. she sits in lobby with her chef friend and they talk for an hour or so.

3:45 pm: an elderly couple comes in the store. the man buys a cafe au lait and the woman says that she'll share with him. while i'm sweeping near them, he asks me if we have ice cream. i reply, no but we do have some frozen coffee beverages that are similar.

3:50 pm: elderly man returns from ice cream shop down the block. man and woman dip ice cream into cafe au lait.

3:52 pm:
Me: hey, i'm really sorry but we don't allow outside food or drinks in the store.
Woman: but i just wanted to dip my icecream in my coffee!
Man: is it okay if we're having it with our coffee?
Me: not really. we ask everyone not to bring in outside food. you're welcome to sit on the patio and come back inside when you're done.
Woman: well that's not good business.
Man: let's go.
Woman: you're not being very nice. we just wanted to enjoy our coffee. tell your manager you should really allow people to bring their own stuff inside.
Me: actually, i'm the manager. i just want to be fair to everyone.
Man: well you're hurting your business.
Woman: yeah, if people could bring their own sandwiches in and sit you would have a lot more customers. this is just rude.
Me: (we sell sandwiches...) i'm sorry you feel that way. hope to see you again soon.

3:55 pm: woman chef makes snide comment about me to elderly couple on their way out.

4:15 pm: homeless man comes in with no shoes. uses bathroom.

4:20 pm: homeless man sits outside.

4:25 pm: homeless man solicits customers coming in the store for money.

4:26 pm: i ask homeless man to leave, explaining that he cannot sit on our patio if he is going to be soliciting our customers for money.

4:27 pm: he leaves.


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